
One day soon

let me read it to you
single click on arrow

One day soon the sky will be a palette of lilac and mauve and pink
the air will wrap itself around us like a comforting warm blanket
our senses filled with the sounds smells and taste of nature’s bounty

One day soon the troubles of the past will matter no more
And where chaos once reigned a new stillness will settle all around
Where sadness weighed us down a new joy will raise us up.

One day soon


Anonymous said...

Love this, Keith.

Jeques said...

Very intense and and empowering, Keith.

The psitive energy of your voice and the message of the poem created a fine union to radiate a spark of hope in the heart.

One day soon, the dawning year, now.

Seize 2009!

I wish you well.

~ Jeques

Janine Bollée said...

Hope you are right.
What a pleasant voice.