

My room is dark
Save two flickering candles
To show the way

I sit outside my door
In the oppressive heat
of a mid summers night.
All around pitch black
Not a light to be seen

Then a blinding dazzling shard of silver
Assaults my eyes
And a thunderous crash
Shakes me to my very soul.

I look toward the ocean
Nothing I see until once again
the heavens illuminate the scene.

The sea millpond calm
Glistens for a second
Then once again is gone

Without warning
A torrent of rain
Comes crashing from the sky
Roaring , hissing, bouncing high
Like so many bejewelled coronets
In the lightning’s glare

The smell, that sound
The power, that majesty
Lasts but for a short while

Then is gone

1 comment:

Jeques said...


This poem shows how precious each moment and how sad that almost always these precious moments are fleeting - now we see it, and then gone. Our gifts of poetry allow us to capture this fleeting moment, to give it form so the ordinary eyes would see beauty in ordinary things that only the artists and poets noticed intensely - for in our keen eyes everything are extraordinary, and needs our full attention, and are preciou. If only we all look at life this way.

Most of my recent poems record such fleeting moments entwined with my emotion as they come. I hope you'll get the chance to read my poem:

"I Don't Want To Scare You"

I wish you well.

~ Jeques

I wish you well.